Sunday, June 23, 2013

A splash of color

This post is dedicated to my 11 year old niece.
My niece's "cool" fingernails
My "pukish purple" nails
So this weekend, I got to spend some time with my one and only niece, and along the way I found a bit of myself. It started with a run to pick up waterproof mascara. (I take life as it comes, and when it is 10pm the night before you are due to do a bride's makeup at 8:15am, and you realize you are out of waterproof mascara; it is time for a trip to the store.)
I don't remember much about being 11 years old, but I do know that having fun is essential. So I let my niece pick out a new nail polish. Deep Teal. Adding a lime stripe and 2 dots of silver glitter seemed just the thing to add a little detail. I thought it was pretty even before she picked it. This led to a late night nail party including my niece, mom, sister, and myself. My niece called the color I chose "pukish purple," though I found it a lovely shade of greyish purple. It's probably been over 5 years since I have worn polish on my nails, and I might cycle back to my ultra natural me again, but for now I will definitely be sporting some polish. I see some short red nails and maybe even a light teal in the near future.
“Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.”
Rabindranath Tagore, Stray Birds 

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