Thursday, June 20, 2013

My journey to Reiki

Funny how life brings things to us.
For the past two years, I knew I needed to find out more about Reiki. I didn't know what it was or where to find out, but it came to me. It kept popping up, in a good book, in a blog that I followed, in my answers to peoples question of "What would you like to do?", then in a reputable source that led me where to take classes.
Some things are better experienced than explained. Reiki is one of them.
But I do want to give you a glimpse of what it is and encourage you to experience it for yourself, if you feel compelled.

Reiki, is a balancing practice for your whole body: mind, body, and spirit through vibrational healing. Generally, in a full session, the Reiki Practitioner places their hands gently on or above the clients head, shoulders, stomach, back, knees, and feet. There have been times, when I've only had a few minutes to share Reiki with someone in need, and their pain that diminished in a few minutes. This day in age, we seldom take the time to stop and be still. Reiki is fantastic for giving you a chance to just be as it as it engages your bodies own self healing, aids in relaxation, and stress relief. It is not intended to diagnose problems or take the place of your regular healthcare, but to maintain your balance if you are healthy; or if you are suffering, to be used in conjunction with other treatments.

I dream of one day having my own practice where I can share this gift with others, and that will come in it's own time. For now, it has been invaluable to me in my own healing journey. There are 5 principles associated with Reiki, and it's amazing how it can change your perspective!

The secret art of inviting happiness
The miraculous medicine of all diseases
Just for today, do not anger
Do not worry and be filled with gratitude
Devote yourself to your work. Be kind to people.

Every morning and evening, join your hands in prayer.
Pray these words to your heart
and chant these words with your mouth
Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind
The founder , Usui Mikao

I find some accept Reiki very easily and others are closed to it, as they can not fully dissect what is happening. Or they may be open to it in the hands on practice, but not distance Reiki (as it can be just as affective when the practitioner and client are not in the same place) . Excuse my poor simile, but just as a cell phone uses vibrations to transmit sound through the air, so Reiki is transmitted through the hands of a Reiki Practitioner to the client. Or just as people pray for others half way across the world, so can Reiki do good for someone not physically present for a treatment.
Even I was skeptical of Reiki before I experienced it, but as I have practiced on myself and others, I have only seen good come from it as it can do no harm. My last client commented, she was so appreciative of its gentleness.

Still not ready to give Reiki a try. It's ok. There are so many wonderful healing modalities, acupuncture, essential oil aromatherapy, yoga, tai chi, massage, craniosacral therapy, and chiropractor, time in nature, music, just to name a few. My advice is to do something that resonates for you to maintain your wellbeing and to take care of yourself.

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