Wednesday, July 10, 2013

In the Crystal Shop

I realized today that I am in the crystal shop.
Figuratively that is.
This is a reference to my favorite book (at this time) -- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. (Thank you Megan for introducing me!) In the book, the main character is on his quest to find his Personal Legend. As he is journeying, he follows the omens to being robbed by a thief, leaving him no money, and he ends up working at a crystal shop for a year. "He could see that it wasn't exactly the kind of job that would make him happy." But he gives it his all, as it is all that he has in the present moment. He ends up learning much and giving back as well, before he was able to move on to following his Personal Legend. What seemed like a misfortune initially, actually profited him.

So how did I make the most of my present today, I cleaned the kitchen, I dusted the living room, I took the cat to the vet, I helped a bunch of girls add fabric appliques to shirts for a birthday party, I read my son lots of bed time stories. As you can see, its not always glamorous, but I can assure you that it was rewarding. To take care of what I have, to help others, to make the best use of my time, to invest in others.

So I am in the crystal shop, I have far to go; and I will get there. But it is a time for me to work hard where I am, enjoy my present moment, and let the lessons I am learning, mold me into who I am. And as they come, I am following the omens. {"What are those?", I can hear you thinking. Its is simply following the voice inside you, or your gut feeling, or an offer that comes out of nowhere, or a lead from a trusted friend, it's the things you can't quite always reasonably explain, but you just know you have to follow.}

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